Your emails contain a whole lot less of these tzpos
Seriouslz what the hell
People finally stopped thinking you went to Sweden
Impressed that this actually exists: (
You are no longer outraged by the fact that everything is closed on Sunday
Hell yea, will eat this weekend
You learned that throwing away bottles in the evening IS PROHIBITED
Even if previously you hated those biking-loving idiots who scorn at how much pollution cars cause and how much slower it is to use public transportation, you probably ended up becoming one of them…
You became much more punctual…
Because the train actually comes at 21:43 and parties actually sell out at 21:10
The parties organized by your university still suck
But going anywhere else is way too expensive, so you still end up on the dancefloor that looks like this:
Bonus points if you have been grinded by some drunk lad because of your System admin ponytail.
You are no longer surprised about how long you can pretend to speak German by using the following words: “Genau” “Ganz genau” “Tip top”.
After 12AM you know it’s pretty much impossible to go back home (unless you have a bike)
So you resign yourself to keep partying or finding a nice bench on the street. It’s okay, if there’s a safe place to sleep on the streets, it’s in Switzerland.
Standard Saturday morning in Langstrasse.